P1996 Extendable rugged PCI packet bus

This page is still under construction!

This page will point to various documents related to P1996.


Most of the documents pointed to by this page will require that your Web Browser have a PDF plugin, to read them in the Browser (plugins are just now becoming available that allow for page by page downloading and viewing), or that you download the document and read it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (free, from ftp://ftp.Adobe.com). Some of the documents may also be available as PostScript files, which you can download and then print.

IEEE Standards Project P1996 Documents

The current draft P1996 Standard for Extendable rugged PCI packet bus is PDF.

An introduction to P1996 Standard for Extendable rugged PCI packet bus is PDF.

ged PCI packet bus is PDF.


This page is still under construction!

This page will point to various documents related to P1996.


Most of the documents pointed to by this page will require that your Web Browser have a PDF plugin, to read them in the Browser (plugins are just now becoming available that allow for page by page downloading and viewing), or that you download the document and read it with Adobe Acrobat Reader (free, from ftp://ftp.Adobe.com). Some of the documents may also be available as PostScript files, which you can download and then print.

IEEE Standards Project P1996 Documents

The current draft P1996 Standard for Extendable rugged PCI packet bus is PDF.

An introduction to P1996 Standard for Extendable rugd for Extendable rug